Fei WU

PhD Student
University of Bern, ARTORG
Murtenstrasse 50
3008 Bern, Switzerland

I am a PhD student at the university of Bern with focus on Machine Learning and Medical Images. I got my master degree at CentraleSuplec.


03/2021 - Started PhD at the university of Bern.
02/2021 - End of internship at Retinai.
11/2020 - Started a mobile app project with some friends.
08/2020 - Completed the April, May, June, July and August 2020 daily coding challenge on leetcode.com
06/2020 - Beginning of internship at Retinai, Bern Switzerland, with focus on medical imaging.
04/2020 - Began learning about Reinforcement Learning through the courses of Thomas Simoni.
11/2019 - Oral Presentation at the 2019 ICCV XAI workshop.


Reinforcement Learning - Q Learning
Implement a Reinforcement Learning agent to collect red squares and avoid blue squares.
Code available on github.
Reinforcement Learning - Actor Critic
Implement a Reinforcement Learning agent to collect health package in order to survive in a hostile environment. An exercice from the courses of Thomas Simoni.
Code available as a colab notebook.
Motion Transfer (video sound on!)
Attempt at reproducing the result of the paper Everybody Dance Now.
Code implemented with the github repositories of CUHKSZ-TQL and nyoki-mtl.


F. Wu, T. Michel, A. Briot
Leveraging Model Interpretability and Stability to Increase Model Robustness
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) workshop, 2019.
[Project page][Paper on arXiv]

Blog Posts

Medium - CycleGAN, training experiment and architecture analysis.
Medium - Training an U-Net to perform image segmentation.